While discussions about harnessing green, clean solar power are popular, what we truly need is action. We implore you to join us in this crucial endeavor. Every contribution, no matter how small, is invaluable. The initial investment required for solar power projects is significant, underscoring the importance of collective support.

Our ongoing initiative involves the establishment of a 5 megawatt solar power plant situated in Mohave County, within the sun-soaked state of Arizona. According to the US Energy Information Administration, "Arizona ranks among the top five states in the nation in total solar-powered generating capacity from both utility- and small-scale installations, with more than 6,100 megawatts."

Your swift action—whether through purchasing land through our renewable energy projects or making a monthly donation of any size—can have a profound impact. We urge you to assist us in safeguarding our planet by acquiring land and/or contributing financially. Additionally, please spread the word among your friends and family.

Once more, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support!

Arizona landscape. Power lines over the Arizona desert and mountains with vegetation.Land map showing location of proposed project.

Aerial image of Arizona landscape with proposed solar project.